Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 5, 2012

Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever - Novel Reflection

      Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever is one of the magnificent books from the Maximum Ride Series written by James Patterson. I love this book. This book's setting is USA, The "School". This book's main character is Max, a girl with wings. She is a very brave person who takes care of her friends in there life, as a leader. She is also very fast because she can outfly anyone in the flock. This book's main plot is that six kids are people that have wings are on the run for their lives, and for their freedom. They are running away from the School, a lab that takes kids that are months old and test them different genes, and the six kids got wings. Now they are on the run and just got a close call. But were they on the run? I rate this book five out of five because it is very intense and I never want to stop read it when I was in the middle of the action. I recommend this book to everyone because it is so good and it is not like any other book. Bye!

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