Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 5, 2012

Novel Reflection - The Man in The Ceiling by Jules Feiffer

   The Man in The Ceiling is a very emotional 185 pages book that is written by Jules Feiffer. It is one of the best book I have ever read. This book's setting is in New York, USA and mostly in the theaters and at Jimmy's home. The main character in this novel is Jimmy. He is a very talented artist. He loves to draw cartoons, even though almost everyone discouraged him to do it. He is a very stubborn kid that do what he think is right and most of the time he is right. The plot is that Jimmy's Uncle just had an exceptional play at the theater, and everyone liked it. This play took Uncle time and times again, flops after flops after flops to produce. In total, it took him twelve years of failure, to have one successful play. Everyone loved his play but the critique might or might not. If he does, it will be a big hit for Uncle. If he doesn’t, will Uncle rise above it and continue his determination? I absolutely love this book due to its meanings and that it is very life like. I would rate this book five out of five because it is an exceptional masterpiece written by Jules Feiffer. I would like to recommend this book to anyone because anyone can read it and understand what it means. Bye!

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