Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 3, 2012

The Rose that Grew from Concrete by Tupac Shakur

1. What is concrete? Explain, using imagery, what it looks, feels, smells, tastes and sounds like. 
    Concrete is the rock on the side walk that is used to make roads and walls for houses. The concrete looks hard and rough, with a silvery color. It feels cold and very hard. It smells light. It tastes disgusting and makes me want to puke. It sounds like Pac Pac.
2. What is a rose? Using imagery to explain it. 
   A rose is a beautiful flower that is red. It is very soft and kind of fake in some way. It smells very strong. It tastes very sweet. It is very silent and it doesn't have a sound.
3. What is the tone of this poem?
    The tone of this poem is hope and happy. The poem shows that the rose have hopes that it will grow strong despite that it is from concrete. It is happy because the rose didn't give up and it became strong like a normal rose.
4. What is the message of the poem? 
   I think the message of this poem is to never give up. I think that the author use the rose as a person that everyone hates and the concrete is the society that the rose grew up in. I think it means that we shouldn't be racist to people. 
5.  What figurative language does the poet use?
    The poet used rhyming with the word it and concrete, seems and dreams.

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