Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 3, 2012

Sarah Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout

1. How does Shel Silverstein uses exaggeration (hyperbole) to create humor?
   Shel Silverstein adds more to what it is like the trash that reached from New York State to Golden Gate to tell that Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout is lazy and silly.
2. Find three examples of alliteration in the poem.
   The author uses alliteration a lot in this poem for example Sarah Cynthia Silvia Stout. Another example of alliteration is Prune Pits, Peach Pits, and Orange Peels. Another is Crusts of Black Burn Buttered Toast.
3. What is the Theme of the Poem? Do you think Silverstein is serious about his message or having fun? Explain your answer.
    I think the theme of this poem is humour, laziness, enjoyable, and for children because this poem is silly, funny,  and it is written to read for joy. I think Shel Silverstein was having fun because he wouldn't write a poem about taking out the trash because it is weird. I think he wrote it for people to read it and enjoy the poem. 

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